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Dec 02

Version 17 of MicroMD EMR to Include NEW Clinical Content & Templates

CliniGuide Templates and Updated Content Available

Our Product Management Team is excited to announce the upcoming launch of new and updated EMR clinical content and templates. The new content and templates will be available in the upcoming release of Version 17 with the goal of providing clients with clinically relevant, easy-to-use, and efficient-to-implement out-of-the-box EMR templates that can help speed patient documentation and user adoption.

When you have the opportunity to upgrade to Version 17, you’ll have access to new point-and-click CliniGuide templates and updated content, including:

Diagnosis- or Complaint-Specific Assessment, Medication and Plan CliniGuide templates for each of our top specialty categories

Specialty-Specific Comprehensive (New Patient) and Focused (Follow-up visit) Review of Systems and Objective CliniGuide templates

Individual Review of System and Objective CliniGuide templates will be available per specialty to provide a higher level of customization

Well Child-Specific CliniGuide templates

What does this mean for your current templates?

In MicroMD EMR Version 17, the current standard CliniGuide templates will be replaced with the new and updated CliniGuide templates in the CliniGuide Manager (under Tools > Encounter Tools > CliniGuides > Standard). You will still be able to access and use the current standard CliniGuide templates that are available today; however, you will now find them in the new CliniBank Archive folder (under Tools > Encounter Tools > CliniGuides > Import > CliniBank > Archive). There will be no changes to CliniGuide templates you have already saved to your Shared or Personal folders.

IMPORTANT: If you currently use a standard CliniGuide template or an Encounter Wizard with a standard CliniGuide template, we strongly recommend that you start moving these templates to your Personal or Shared folders now, before being updated to MicroMD EMR Version 17.

For more information on how to move your templates over, please view the PDF below or reference your email and look for a client alerted titled, “[client alert] MicroMD is updating clinical content and templates. Learn more.”

If you are not currently opted in to receive our emails, you can do so here.

View Steps for Template Move

Feedback or questions?

In the meantime, if you have feedback on the new templates or questions about moving your templates to your personal or shared folders, please reach out to your MicroMD Support team at 330-758-8832, ext 2, open up a MicroMD Help Center ticket or email us at

We look forward to launching even more new content in the future as we continue to focus on MicroMD PM and EMR priorities that you tell us are most important.

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  1. Debbie
    December 11, 2019 at 10:14 am · Reply

    Will there be some type of training video that can be viewed with some of the upcoming changes like the new templates?

    • Savanna Adams
      December 17, 2019 at 12:54 pm · Reply

      Hi there, Debbie! My apologies for the delay in response – I spoke with our training team and they stated that any changes will be covered in the Version17 Update video.

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