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Mar 17

Fueling a Healthy Practice – Are You Ready to Register & Accelerate?

You’re cordially invited to join us for the 2019 MicroMD User Conference being held at the Avalon Inn & Resort in Warren, OH on May 1-2, 2019.

DON’T MISS THIS YEAR’S Keynote Speaker:

Kenneth T. Hertz, FACMPE, Principal Consultant MGMA Consulting

Ken has more than 25 years of executive and senior-level management experience in the healthcare field, with an additional 20 years in executive-level management work in the nonprofit sector. He has consulted single and multi-specialty practices as small as two FTE physician’s to large practices of up to 700 FTE physicians; both physician and corporate-owned. He has also had responsibility for practice valuations and acquisition and mergers.

Find out more

Meet our other speakers…

Trisha Conway

CEO, eHealth Consulting

Dave Henshaw

National Accounts Manager, Practice Insight

Bo Nielsen

Founder & CEO, AutoRemind Inc.

Our 2019 MicroMD User Conference features speakers from MicroMD, MGMA, eHealth Consulting, Practice Insight, AutoRemind, Alpha II, Data Guardian Pros, Medsys, and Surescripts. Our sessions include a wide array of topics that hit on areas that impact your practice. These include, but are not limited to, MIPS, KPIs, navigating your MicroMD software, and telehealth. Let us help you fuel a healthy practice in 2019.

Ready to Register?

Registration is OPEN now. Sign up today for only $175 per attendee.

Register Now!

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