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patient return
Sep 28

4 Recall Strategies to Bring Your Patients Back

The most successful patient recall strategy is one that is personalized from their treatment plan to communication timing. Here are four recall strategies that will bring your patients back.

  1. Set up Automated Recall Reminders and customize the frequency of each communication.

Tasks like going back to the doctor, whether it’s for continued treatment or a patient’s annual OBGYN visit, may be buried at the bottom of their to-do list. Increase the rate of return patients by sending repeat messages on an ongoing basis.

Strategy: Stay top of mind with patients by sending Automated Recall Reminders when a certain amount of time has elapsed. Choose whether you want messages sent months, weeks, days or just hours before the appointment.

  1. Reach patients in their preferred method of communication and set up backup reminders.

Every patient is different. Some never look at their email, while others let phone calls go to voicemail, so your automated voice messages may get buried. If the primary communication method for your recall strategy is not one that your patient prefers, they may not get it.

Strategy: Fallback Reminders from Demandforce can be your safety net for this hurdle by assigning the next communication method option. You may want automated text recall messages to be your first fallback option as your patients are more likely to read a text message.

  1. Personalize your Automated Recall Messages based on specific appointment types.

Recall for healthcare isn’t one-size-fits-all. For example, it’s not uncommon for pediatric doctors to have several patients from one family, one age 12 and the other age 1. Their parents may be willing to wait a bit longer if they receive one blanket reminder for both children. But if they receive a reminder about their infant’s vaccine schedule, they may have more urgency to return.

Strategy: Customize your messages based on the type of appointment that is due. For example, if you run a chiropractic practice, remind them of the joint relief their visit will bring

  1. Let patients know how to book an appointment in your Recall Messages.

Effective text recall messages are to-the-point, and include a call-to-action link at the end.

Strategy: Here are some text recall templates to get you started:

  • Hi [FirstName], according to your treatment plan at [BusinessName], you’re due for your next appointment. Schedule on our website using our online booking tool–> [link]
  • Hey, [FirstName], you’re due for a follow-up appointment! Reply here with some days and times that work for you, or schedule on our website –> [link]
  • Hi [FirstName], it’s time to schedule your next appointment to continue with your treatment plan. Call us at [PhoneNumber] to schedule, or book online here –> [link]

About Demandforce

Demandforce helps medical practices automate front-office tasks and streamline patient communications by combining all the features and functionality a practice needs to grow, in one place. To learn more about how Demandforce integrates with MicroMD schedule a demo or call 800-246-9853.

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