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Dec 14

Version 13 is here!

Check out the latest and greatest.

Our new MicroMD Version 13 Practice Management and Electronic Medical Records software is now available. Check out some of the latest enhancements.


Import Referring Doctor Lists

Practices can now import and export lists of referring doctors.

UDS Reporting Changes

In preparation for reporting on 2016 performance in 2017, UDS Reporting was updated to reflect final government requirements.

Carrier’s Fee Schedule

Practices can now import a carrier’s fee schedule via a Microsoft Excel file, which updated the Procs Allowed and Plan Allowed tabs.


Clinical Quality Measures Report Export for 2017 reporting

Practices can now access an updated PQRS report to meet reporting and submission requirements for 2017 reporting.

New DMS View and User Preferences

For MicroMD DMS users, this feature allows a new view that shows the file structure, file preview and notes all in one screen, as well as new user preferences to specify default view when opening.


Hierarchical Condition Category Codes and Indicators

Practices now have the ability to choose whether or not to show HCC Codes provided by CMS, as well as indicators in both MicroMD PM and EMR.

New eSERVICE, ReportingMD®

This new eSERVICE provides practices with reporting features to meet the needs of various pay-for-performance incentive programs, including Accountable Care Organization (ACO), Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS), Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH), and HEDIS. If interested in adding this eSERVICE to your practice, please reach out to our eSERVICES team for more details.

If you utilize MicroMD through a Client Server and haven’t upgraded to Version 13 yet but want to do so, contact Client Support at 330-758-8832 to get on the upgrade list or email If you are a MicroMD Cloud client, you will be automatically upgraded in January 2017 and further communications about this upgrade will be coming to you shortly.

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