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May 17

Recorders Pair Well With Nuance®Dragon® Medical Practice Edition 2

Voice Recognition for Efficient Dictation

So, you’re considering using digital voice recorders with Dragon Medical Practice Edition 2? Excellent choice. Physicians who want to be able to dictate on the move find that handheld recorders are perfect for untethered, flexible, efficient dictation.

Getting that dictation transcribed quickly and cost-effectively doesn’t have to be an exercise in futility. Nuance’s well-known speech recognition system for healthcare professionals, Dragon Medical Practice Edition 2, empowers you to transcribe those dictations using Dragon Medical’s extensive knowledge of medical terminology, as well as its programmatic ability to interpret human speech.

Many doctors prefer to use a digital recorder for dictation, because it allows them to move quickly from one patient encounter to the next with minimal effort. Information can be entered into MicroMD® at a more convenient time—and perhaps by an assistant. And adding Dragon Medical Practice Edition 2 to the mix makes the transcription process even faster, freeing up clinicians to give their attention to other important tasks.

Included with Dragon Medical Practice Edition 2 is a module called the AutoTranscribe Folder Agent. This tool will use your Dragon Medical profile to run dictations through speech recognition automatically, reducing or eliminating the need for additional transcription costs.

To learn more, reach out to us for a free consultation. We would appreciate the opportunity to help you put together a workflow that’s right for you. Please contact your MicroMD sales representative today, visit our page or contact Jeremy Vicedomini at

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