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An older patient uses telehealth solutions to communicate with her doctor from the comfort of her home.
Feb 20

Why Should Your Practice Use Telehealth Solutions?

About 25% of the healthcare technology market is telehealth.

Telehealth has been garnering a lot of buzz in the healthcare industry lately, and it might have you wondering if you should jump on board. The answer, quite frankly, is yes, but you probably want to know why. Let’s dig in and take a look at some of the many benefits of this solution.

Patient Benefits

Reach your remote patients

Access to quality healthcare is limited in many places in the world. For those populations, telehealth revolutionizes their ability to receive adequate care and achieve positive health outcomes. Previously, when care was not available locally, patients had to pack up, spend time and money traveling to wherever the care was available. With this solution, depending on the situation, those same patients can stay closer to home while still receiving care from their doctors. (This can also reduce no-shows to your practice!)

Improved care quality

Patients receive better care when practices utilize telehealth solutions. No longer are patients limited to the providers available to them locally. Patients no longer wait an extraneous amount of time for their care team to consult on a treatment plan. Telehealth is adding an immediacy to healthcare that previously didn’t exist and the result of that is improved health outcomes.

Faster recovery

It’s been known for some time that patients tend to do better in their own environments. However, when intense monitoring was necessary that was never compatible with allowing patients to go home. Now, both can be achieved simultaneously. Additionally, because of the ability for providers to consult with each other virtually, the timeline of receiving a diagnosis and starting treatment is shortening all the time. This allows for more efficient care and better outcomes.

Provider Benefits 

The ability to see more patients

Physicians got into healthcare with the goal of healing those in need. However, the time it takes to get from place to place can take precious time away from patients. With telehealth, one provider meets with patients in many locations on the same day, allowing them to provide their care to a greater variety of patients.

Education availability no matter where you are

Previously it was difficult for providers in rural areas to receive the latest education without traveling. With telehealth, these providers remain in their communities where they are needed while still receiving the latest and greatest in continuing education. This means physicians no longer need to choose between learning and healing.

Greater efficiency

Providers can personalize care, connect with patients on a deeper level, and become more efficient in their work. This not only makes them better doctors, it makes them happier doctors too. Considering physician burnout is staggering, we need ways to help our doctors feel relief.

So why should you use telehealth? A better question is, why wouldn’t you use it? This technology allows for greater patient satisfaction, improved access to care, better health outcomes, and less physician burnout. All of this together equals a better overall healthcare system.

Are you a MicroMD client looking to get involved in the telehealth landscape? We have a solution coming in 2019, so keep your eyes on for the latest information regarding this addition to our amazing line of products.

Interested in getting your feet wet in the meantime? Remember, Secure Chart Patient Portal includes secure messaging. This could be a great way to get your patients used to the idea of communicating with their provider outside of in-person, face to face visits. Don’t have Secure Chart? Visit our website or call 1-800-624-8832 for more information on how to get started.

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MicroMD PM and EMR/EHR  is flexible and can fit almost any specialty. Let us help you get back to the business of healing.

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