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Nov 10

Remote Patient Monitoring & Chronic Care

We all want to see improved patient outcomes, and one very important way to achieve that goal is through the management of chronic illness. One tool that can streamline your chronic care management is remote patient monitoring. Let’s take a look at these pieces and how they work together.

What is Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM)?

Remote Patient Monitoring is a telehealth tool that allows providers to track patient data that is generated outside of the standard healthcare setting. This is done using software, hardware, and a digital connection to collect patient data and transmit it over the internet to the provider’s EHR system. The tools used can be as complex as RPM-specific devices that measure patient data and as simple as commercial wearables such as a Fitbit or an Apple Watch. Whatever technology is used, the goal remains the same – to provide proactive patient care at reduce care costs.

What is Chronic Care Management? 

Chronic Care Management (CCM) refers to the non face-to-face services that providers render to patients with chronic conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, hypertension, and more. This process involves creating a list of the conditions a patient has and their health goals, the providers who are on their care team, the medications they are taking, the services they need, and any other pertinent information about the patient’s health picture. Providers will create a document for the patient to sign agreeing to chronic care management, after which the patient will have regular support and monitoring to manage these chronic conditions with the goal of catching potential concerns before they become emergent issues.

How do RPM and CCM relate?

Simply put, Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) is a key tool in providing the services that are integral to Chronic Care Management (CCM). Tracking a patient’s vital signs is one valuable tool in monitoring a chronic condition, and this can be achieved through the use of RPM technologies. By utilizing tools such as blood glucose monitors, bluetooth-enabled blood pressure cuffs, and even commercial wearables, patients can continue on with their daily lives while their provider receives valuable information about their health. With many RPM services, providers are alerted when a trend that suggests an issue is identified, allowing for early intervention with the goal of preventing the problem from getting worse.

How does this relate to Value-based Care?

One of the biggest thorns in the side of value-based care is preventable hospitalizations. This raises the cost of healthcare for everyone, and so by using RPM for Chronic Care Management, patients should be able to avoid hospitalizations in some circumstances by catching problems early enough to allow for care at home. This ability to monitor patients at home helps providers to have a more complete picture of their patient’s health status, allowing for better health outcomes while also keeping healthcare costs down, achieving the very goals of value-based care.

What about telehealth as a tool?

Telehealth allows providers to check in with their patients more conveniently, following up on RPM data in the most efficient way possible. Mild patient issues can be dealt with quickly, eliminating the need for in-person visits or, again, hospitalization. This allows providers to be even more involved with their chronically ill patients by using the power of technology.

Caring for chronically ill patients is one of the more challenging pieces of healthcare, but also one of the most important. With the use of remote patient monitoring, keeping regular tabs on these patients and catching issues before they require hospitalization becomes much easier, helping providers to fulfill the goals of value-based healthcare. This is why MicroMD has partnered with Medpod to offer telehealth services. With Medpod adding virtual visits to your practice has never been easier.

For more information or to get started visit or call 1-800-624-8832.

About the author,
Savanna Adams

Savanna is the Marketing Communication Specialist at MicroMD. She schedules emails to clients, prospects, and VARs, manages social media accounts, performs research, writes blogs and eBooks, and much more while helping to support the simple yet powerful MicroMD solutions.

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