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A holiday image with a stethoscope in a Santa hat.
Dec 23

Holiday Injuries & ICD-10

ICD-10 Holiday Blunders

The holidays are HERE. They have swept in like a snowstorm in Northeast Ohio and are ready for us to make new traditions within our households as we continue to social distance and keep this virus at bay. Though this year may look a lot different than the holidays of the past, we hope holiday spirits are up and you are in good health.

As we know, the virus isn’t the only potential hazard to our health this holiday season. Our small holiday gatherings, holiday decorating, and more can lead to these common Christmas related ICD-10 codes.

Lower Back Pain: M54.5

Do you store your Christmas tree in the garage or in your attic? What about all of those fancy holiday bulbs that go on that gorgeous 7ft tall tree? Those can weigh a TON and if you are excited to get everything laid out (or to have your family do it while you eat Santa’s cookies), you might forget to pick it up by bending your knees and strain your lower back.

Pro tip: ALWAYS use your knees to pick up heavy things, carry lighter boxes, and decorate the tree with your family to help save Santa some cookies.

Snow Shoveling: W00 (Fall due to ice/snow)

Snow storms can be brutal – on the roads and on your body when it comes to taking care of your driveway and walkways. From bending over for hours to get your walkway clear for gift deliveries and trips to-and-from the store, to spreading salt to avoid slick spots of ice, it is still possible to fall, strain muscles, or break bones. Alongside of this, if your body isn’t capable of this type of labor, you could experience a heart attack.

Pro tip: Take shoveling and salting in shifts to avoid injury and illness! If your body can’t handle it, there may be a nice neighborhood kid that’s looking for some cool, seasonal work.

Kitchen Burns: X15 (Contact with hot household appliances)

Are you a holiday baker? Do you love whipping up new recipes in the kitchen and sending off tins of peanut butter blossoms, sugar cookie cutouts in the shape of candy canes, and snowballs? When you’re spending so much time around a hot oven, it is easy to imagine how kitchen burns happen at Christmas time, even if we try desperately to prevent them. (Ouch!)

Pro tip: Always wear oven mitts when getting hot trays out of the oven and turn pot handles away from where people will be passing through in the kitchen to avoid hot spills and falling pans.

Frostbite: T33 (Superficial frostbite)

Do you wanna build a snowman? If you do, make sure you are bundled up RIGHT – that means grab your gloves, wrap that scarf up tight, and pull that hat down over your ears! If you have snow pants that fit, jump into those before you dive into that snow pile, too. Frostbite typically affects your fingers, toes, face, and ears, so be sure to grab an extra pair of fuzzy holiday socks while you’re getting bundled up!

Pro tip: Hot chocolate breaks are the perfect way to warm up between rolling out each section of your perfectly built snowman! You can even take a short minute to warm up while you grab that carrot nose, too.

Though we made these ICD-10 codes a bit more fun, we hope that all of you are SAFE this holiday and find fun and creative ways to celebrate at home. Best wishes to you and yours from all of us.

About the author,
Savanna Adams

Savanna is the Marketing Communication Specialist at MicroMD. She schedules emails to clients, prospects, and VARs, manages social media accounts, performs SEO research, writes blogs and eBooks, and much more while helping to support the simple yet powerful MicroMD solutions.

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