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pharmacist uses a tablet to look up an e-prescription and verify dosage
Mar 24

ePrecribe Prescriptions at Your Practice

As many practices continue to make the shift towards electronic prescriptions, it is important for providers to recognize why this change is taking place. While ePrescribe is not a new way to deliver medications, as it has been available since 2003, it did not truly gain footing until the healthcare industry saw a widespread increase in interoperability in 2019. Now, let’s dive into the weeds about e-prescribing. What is e-prescribing? What mandates exist and where? As for challenges, what hurdles exist for practices? What benefits does this provide an organization like yours? We have the answers to all of this, and more, below.

What is electronic prescribing?

Electronic prescribing is often referred to as “e-prescribing” or ePrescribe, according to With e-prescribing technology, providers enter prescription information into their device to securely transfer over to the patient’s pharmacy. This utilizes a special software program and connectivity to a transmission network to connect to pharmacies. Once the pharmacy receives the request, they are able to begin fulfilling the necessary medication quickly for your patient to retrieve.

What states are mandating practices ePrescribe prescriptions?

As of now, there is a mandate that will take effect January 1, 2022 that requires all controlled substance prescriptions under Medicare’s Part D drug plan be transmitted electronically per the SUPPORT Act. CMS is currently considering a delay to this mandate, according to, likely due to the ongoing public health crisis. With this being said, it’s still important for practices to take steps now to transition over to e-prescribing controlled substances, and prescriptions as a whole now.   

Currently, there are states already mandating electronic prescription of controlled substances (EPCS), prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMP), or both. PDMP allows providers to see what controlled substances a patient is already receiving. This helps to limit the opportunity for drug misuse and doctor shopping. The following states already mandate both PDMP and EPCS…

  • Maine
  • Massachusetts
  • Rhode Island
  • Connecticut
  • New York
  • Pennsylvania
  • Delaware
  • Virginia
  • Kentucky
  • Indiana
  • Tennessee
  • North Carolina
  • South Carolina
  • Florida
  • Iowa
  • Arkansas
  • Oklahoma
  • Texas
  • Wyoming
  • Arizona
  • Nevada

While many states have already made mandates for both programs, there are a handful that have not mandated anything yet. Those include Mississippi, Missouri, Minnesota, Nebraska, Montana, Idaho, and Oregon. Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia also do not currently have mandates for PDMP or EPCS, either.

What challenges exist for physicians and e-prescribing?

One hurdle for many practices remains in the cost for the software associate with e-prescribing. For many of our direct MicroMD clients, who are small, independent practices, they do not see or administer a large amount of prescriptions to justify the cost of ePrescribe. While many practices soon will not have a choice due to mandates in their state, this is a large hurdle for many practices that are already having a hard time balancing their bottom line.

The Academy for Managed Care Pharmacy, or AMCP, provides some other challenges experienced with more widespread use of e-prescribing. Some of the issues discussed on AMCP include the following…

  • Usability of Software: Many practices have not dived into fully utilizing an EHR system, if they use one at all. This makes using an e-prescribing software especially daunting and difficult.
  • Financial Hardships/Limitations: As stated previously, smaller practices may not write enough prescriptions to justify the money it costs to ePrescribe.
  • Workflow Accessibility: Depending on your EHR software, the ease of access to utilize e-prescribing software may make this process more difficult. If it is built directly into your workflow where it makes sense for your provider, a physician is more likely to use it as needed.

Challenges that your office may experience with e-prescribing will be dependent on your practice’s processes. If you have concerns, it is important that you talk it over with your vendor prior to receiving the functionality or service.

What are the benefits for providers of e-prescribing?

There are several main highlights that come to mind, but they all lead back to two things: safety and efficiency. When practices make a shift toward e-prescribing, they eliminate the possibility of prescriptions being misread due to illegible handwriting, prescriptions being lost, or DEA numbers being stolen. The provider is now responsible for delivering the order to the pharmacy directly through their EHR system.

e-Prescribing boosts efficiency at a practice as it is all done directly inside of a system they are already using. Providers do not need to grab a prescription pad. Also, clinicians can quickly and easily check a patient’s medication history/allergy list directly in their encounter before prescribing. This frees provider and staff up from completing other manual tasks they may have had to complete. Utilizing e-prescribing software leads to less phone calls between providers and the pharmacy, more accurate prescriptions dispensed, and safer medication management.

Is your practice currently using e-prescribing software to help streamline tasks at your practice? Did your practice start utilizing this software due to mandates with EPCS or PDMP, or due to wanting to take steps towards safety and efficiency? Let us know in the comments.

MicroMD offers a standalone e-Prescibing solution to help your practice remain safe and boost medication compliance. Coupled with this, we also offer MicroMD EPCS Gold and PDMP access. Learn more today at or call us at 800.624.8832.

About the author,
Savanna Adams

Savanna is the Marketing Communication Specialist at MicroMD. She schedules emails to clients, prospects, and VARs, manages social media accounts, performs SEO research, writes blogs and eBooks, and much more while helping to support the simple yet powerful MicroMD solutions.

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  1. Name (required)Drake D Duane, MS, MD
    December 27, 2022 at 12:35 pm · Reply

    I am interested only in E Prescribing and do not use EHR. My practice is Neurology and Psychiatry ages early school through senescence. It is a teaching, fee for service practice that includes Medicare patients but where patients pay us and are reimbursed by Medicare. We are a Monday through Thursday practice. 1 MD, 1 computer science trained staff.

    • Amy DeMarco
      December 27, 2022 at 4:27 pm · Reply

      Dr. Duane…Thank you for interest in our e-prescribing solutions! Our practice management consultant, Judy Walsh, will be in touch with you shortly to discuss any questions you have about our solutions and provide you with a demonstration of the solutions functionality if applicable. We look forward to connecting with you to discuss your needs.

  2. Jerome H. Ginsberg, M.D.
    February 14, 2023 at 4:05 pm · Reply

    I am an Internist in Baltimore, Maryland. I do not use an electronic health record but I have been electronic prescribing for years. I have been using Quest Laboratory for the electronic prescribing but they will be stopping the service at the end of this year. I would like to know if you offer electronic prescribing without EHR and about how much it would cost. Thank you.

    • Amy DeMarco
      February 14, 2023 at 4:24 pm · Reply

      Dr. Ginsberg…Thank you for interest in our e-prescribing solutions! Our practice management consultant, Mike Crider, will be in touch with you shortly to discuss any questions you have about our solutions and provide you with a demonstration of the solutions functionality if applicable. We look forward to connecting with you to discuss your needs.

  3. Mia strazzeri
    June 3, 2023 at 7:54 pm · Reply

    Hi there interested in escribing noncontrolled substances only.

    • Amy DeMarco
      June 5, 2023 at 3:49 pm · Reply

      Hello Mia,
      If you are interested in a standalone e-Prescribing, please visit our website at and complete the form. One of our practice management consultants would be happy to assist you with pricing for prescribing non-controlled substances or with a demonstration to make sure we are a good fit for you or your practice.

      Completing our form will further verify your interest and make sure we direct you to the correct person on our team.

      Thank you for your interest!

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