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PCMH Certification: Is It Worth the Effort?
Did you know that the concept of the medical home has been established since 1967? Since that time, the medical home idea has evolved into the patience centered medical home, or PCMH, and four medical groups now offer certification and accreditation. To help you make an educated decision as to whether to participate it this model, we will discuss the following…
- What is a patient centered medical home (PCMH)?
- What are the benefits of becoming a PCMH?
- How can a practice be recognized as a PCMH?
- Will PCMH make my practice more patient and physician friendly?
- What role does health IT play and how can MicroMD help with PCMH recognition?
Are you ready to learn how this model can increase payments and patient and provider satisfaction at your practice? Let us take you on a deep dive into PCMH, and let you answer the question, is PCMH certification worth it?